Monday, September 7, 2015

Viva says "Genesee Park is a blast!"

We are lucky to have a lot of parks near us that suit Viva so well.  We found another great park with wonderful sightlines! 
It's Genesee Park which is about 3 miles from our house. This park extends over a larger area and we are sticking to the lower half of the park.  The upper part does have an off leash dog park that is popular but, we won't be checking that out.

Viva getting the lay of the land, that's Lake Washington in the background.

Lots to smell and you can see all around you!
Viva on the move

Pretty girl is on a 50ft long line

Viva and I walk twice a day, every day.  With our schedule I like to get her out on the long line every other day.  It's a good way for her to run, have some independence and provide more environmental enrichment.

She has lots of fun just running and the girl can move!

We head over to the Genesee Meadow
And boy does she have herself a blast! 

Check out why is Viva having a blast?!
She LOVES to chase birds and any critter.

This flock of birds happens to be pigeons and they don't fly far...  Here's Viva tracking them.

She's onto them! You can see them on the ground behind the trees
She circles the flock
And time to get those pigeons! 
You can hear me giggling at the end, bet you'll giggle too.
That chase was a lot of work!
Back to tracking the pigeons

We head away from the pigeons on the gravel path.  Here's a map of the trail loop which is a little under a mile.
Time to go head across the street to another adventure

We cross the street, change to a 8ft leash and skirt Lake Washington

I'm sure there's tons to smell here!
Lots to investigate

This little section gave me good sight lines and plenty of room to give distance if another dog came into sight.

Stay tuned to where we go next and of course we will encounter more birds...


  1. Hi, Foster Mom, I discovered your blog a few days ago and wanted to let you know how much we're enjoying it. Your training tips are wonderful and watching Viva become more comfortable with herself is beautiful!

    1. Hi Laurie, I'm thrilled you found my blog and that your are enjoying it! Stay tuned as I post daily and will have more training tips coming up. Viva is an excellent training partner and I love that we can show all of what we do using positive training. Thanks for you comments!
