Thursday, September 24, 2015

Viva explores Gas Works Park

Catty and I had Nose Work practice at  Gas Works Park early this past Sunday morning so, an excellent opportunity to bring Viva along for a early morning adventure.  There are good sight lines at this park and lots to see.  We arrived 45 minutes early giving Viva and I lots of time to explore. 

Viva is ready to go!  There's a walking path that winds up and around this hill.

Viva finds a bunch of rocks worth smelling and then takes in the environment.
You can see downtown Seattle in the background.

We start winding up the path and here's why this park called Gas Works!

We quickly make it to the top of the hill

There's a large sundial at the top

The sundial was formed out of concrete and delineated with rocks, shells, glass, bronze and many other materials.

 Viva says "Enough with the sundial, lets get down the hill!"

She's interested in hunting

Time to motor!

Back down near the water.  It was really windy and you can see the rough waves in Lake Union.

Viva wanted to check out the shoreline

Lots and lots to smell

"This place is great!"

We head over the barn area

Lots of bright colored pumps, compressors, and piping

We head back out to where all the towers are located

The barn in the back ground

Lots to look at!

Viva not happy there there's a fence around the structure

She would love to critter in there!

Time to head  back to car as Nose Work class is starting and Catty is waiting!

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