Thursday, November 19, 2015

Out and about - Part 3

It's been raining a lot and the rain doesn't cancel Nose Work class! Dogs search for odor in all weather conditions and the human just has to deal with the weather.

Catty doesn't care if it's raining and she's ready to work!

This past Sunday, class was at North Seattle Community College.  I had no idea this place even existed before we started attending Nose Work classes.  It's a pretty neat location with lots to look at as we wait our turn.  There were a number of buildings that were covered in with the climbing vines and the beautiful leaves.

There's a lot of outdoor art at this school and I wish my camera was working better as I took a number of pictures but, the lighting at 7:45am wasn't working all that well.  So, I have just a few pictures of the artwork.

"Why do you always have the camera with you?!  We are here to work so lets get going!"

"I'm coming Erica!"

One of our many morning searches was in a large courtyard.  So many great hides from our excellent Nose Work instructor Erica Wells.

Catty was correct, the odor was hidden right above her nose!

Fountain and sculpture and some of the last pretty fall leaves

Catty waiting her turn - she did great as usual and we had a fun class.

One of the benefits of early morning nose work classes is that there is rarely anyone else around.  So, that means I usually bring Viva along to run her around once Catty and I are done with class.

North Seattle Community College is a big campus and while the next group of Nose Work students were working, Viva and I headed to the other end of campus.

Lots to investigate

Viva has her eyes on what's on the other side of the campus

We head over to check out the sign and the area Viva wants to explore is protected wetlands.

Nope Viva we are not going in there. 
Viva says "I can just watch from out here"

We skirt back down to campus and Viva roots around in the bushes away from the wetlands. 

You can see some of the campus and it's just few of the buildings.

Time to go walk around the buildings on campus

Viva would prefer to root around in the bushes...

So, I take a couple of pictures!

You can see a long ways down the sidewalks within the campus

Lots of art around

We head up the stairs (there are a long of stairways all over campus) and find this green roof

Lots of colorful doors and walls in contrast with many of the buildings that are concrete

We walk down a number of corridors. 

A view of one outdoor section

As we head over to the above outdoor area, we find this stairwell with beautiful leaves climbing up and in the stairwell.

"This place is huge!"

Lots to see and Viva was on the move!

Wondering how to get down to the squirrel she sees

We find the class room where they study anatomy

Time to head back to the car

Both girls had a great morning as did I!

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