Sunday, March 6, 2016

Viva out on a fun adventure - Part 1

After D'light scouted out the area in New fun places to explore!  it was time for Viva's turn.
Viva says "Lets go!"

Lots to take in and Viva loves our managed outside adventures

Pretty girl on the move

We head down the hill 

Lots of pee mail to read.  There are great sight lines which was perfect as there were a number of dogs  just south of us.  We did some quick work around seeing a number of dogs off in the distance and then we turned and went the other way.

We watch the dog free people around the intersection and Viva did great.

Lots to smell as we head towards Jose Rizal Park There is an off leash dog park below us but, we avoid that area given Viva is not a dog that would be successful at a dog park.

Just like that she's after a bird!

We arrive and there are a number of people working in the park

Viva did great with all the people working.  She finds other stuff way more interesting than the people

It was a work party so lots of digging, raking and moving stuff around.  We watched for a while and Viva was frequently reinforced with high value food for making such good choices.

Lots of smells in this small ampatheater

More watching of the work party

We head down to a public art feature that I want to check out

More people and Viva says "No worries".  Viva has made tons of progress when it comes to seeing new people in the environment.  Great job Viva!

We find a colorful mosaic mural titled "East is West" by Val Laigo

Viva is sure there's something worth catching on the otherside

One of the three panels

We enjoy the view

And time for one more adventure so stay tuned!

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