Monday, November 3, 2014

Busy weekend - Part 1

Since we work full time - weekends are errand time!  I opted to take Seven on all my stops and he did great. 
"What are we doing today foster mom?"

I decide we need to go have a potty break before we started going into stores.  So, we head across the street and as we are crossing we see a dog.  Seven did great and the video is cut short because I needed to reinforce his excellent choice to look at me after he sees the dog.  I only have two hands so the camera needed to be put down so I could get a treat.

Potty break and he's engaged in the environment watching the kids on the soccer field.

We stop to work on sit.  Seven is still working on sit outside - it's a challenge for him given how active the environment can be.  Just because a dog can do a behavior in one environment doesn't mean that can always carry over to another environment.  If this happens it's not because the dog is stupid- there's just lots of competition in terms of focus.  It's the humans job to sort out what is going on and adjust.  No magic wand here - with Seven we just practice and I reinforce the behavior I'm looking for.  Good boy Seven!

Time to motor to the stores!

We stop off at All the Best for food.  We actually had to wait outside for a little bit since there were two large unhappy barking dogs in the store.  No need for us to backslide getting into tight spaces with dogs who were clearly not comfortable in the store.  I always have a plan B to set the dog up for for success.

So, we found a spot across the street and played find it with treats in the leaves. 

We then were in and out of  All The Best.  If the environment at All The Best had not changed in the time we were playing find it, I would have put Seven up in the car while I went in to get the food. 

Seven enjoyed the walk - taking in the environment as we head to our next stop.
Stopped along the way working on sit!

Getting ready to walk by all the stores.

Time to work on the walk!  I was looking for eye contact and I got a bonus of eye contact and a sit!  As I slowed down he gave me that sit - I tossing a treat close to him to mark the excellent behavior.  Good boy Seven, you're so smart and a ton of fun to work with.

Walked by the bakery - Seven says" Oh no foster mom - someone spilled their coffee!"

Cute florist!

Seven wondering what's behind the pumpkins!  Such a curious boy.
Then we headed into the pharmacy.  I slipped down the outside stairs the other night.  I hurt my ribs & banged up some other body parts so, I needed some Arnica.  This was a perfect spot for more training.

Ha!! Watch him trying to get in front of me to give me the sit!

I'm checking out and check out Seven the good boy!  We were given a number of compliments on his good indoor behavior.

We walked out the door and right there were two very large poodles who scared us both with their barking.  We quickly moved away and Seven did great!

Found this fun retro telephone boot to practice a sit in front of!
D'light threw up on our comforter the other night so, a stop at the laundry mat was needed.  And yup,  we have a Molly Moon's ice cream attached to the laundry mat!
While the comforter was going through the wash cycle we headed over to a park.  We had a big wind storm recently where lots of trees fell down.

Seven checking out the fallen log!

Cute boy watching for critters.
After we picked up the comforter, we stopped off at the dry cleaner then headed home to get foster dad for our next set of errands!

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