Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Fun times at Seattle University

We planned a fun walk for both Catty and D'light by heading over to Seattle University.  It's an urban walk which Catty likes and once on the Seattle University campus there are lots of critters - exactly what D'light loves.

While D''light and Brett are hunting, Catty and I take in the campus.

Pretty view at the reflection pond.

Nice light and love the leaf reflection in the windows.

Look who finds us.

Catty curious about the small pond

"I need a better view"

"What are you doing over there Catty?  Let's go hunt."

"You go have fun hunting I have things to investigate"

"He's critter crazy!"

Catty and I take in the flowers still in bloom.

We find something interesting.  "Do you see it?"

Down for a closer look and it's a really neat water feature.

A video and one could sit and watch this for hours as it's mesmerizing.

D'light curious about the moving water

"Do you have a treat for me walking on this weird grating?!"

We move on and find some random mushrooms.

This picture cracks me up. I'm taking a photo of the mushroom and D'light sees a squirrel.  He and Brett were off like a shot after this photo.

"I have a critter crazy brother"

Stopping to scan the area

Air sniff

He has his hunting plan off they go...

I wish I had video of this.  Catty found a leaf in the pond and clearly thought is was food or garbage.  She worked to get it out and got a snout full of water.  But she got the leaf as you can see.  She was disappointed with what she caught. 

Silly Catty girl

And what does a 3 hour walk get us...

A tired Catty

A relaxed D'light

"I love our adventures!"

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