Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The antler saga

Remember that antler in this earlier post Someone finally wants to chew on the antler 
K having a good chew on the 1 antler in the house...

Besoleil giving me that look of "Is there another one for me?"
Well it remained popular so, I went digging around in my dog stuff looking to see if I had any other antlers.

Besoleil knows I have something for her....
It's an antler and a HUGE one at that! 
This was clearly purchased back in the days where I would forget the size of our foster pups!
Besoleil says: "No problem I can still work this!"
Happy girls...
with yummy antlers!

This next video is fun to watch for a variety of reasons!

Funny girl!
Sweet K enjoying the big antler

 And I found a 3rd tiny antler!
Besoleil wasn't very impressed with this dinky thing!

BUT... guess who wanted to give it a try!
D'light is rarely interested in chewing on things. It took him a long time to figure out chewing on a bully stick.  So you can imagine my surprise and my own Delight when D'light started chewing on this antler!

Oh sweet D'light!
Can you say three happy ratties each with their own antler!

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