Sunday, June 9, 2013

Bésoleil‏ meets D'light and renews her friendship with K

When K was in her temp home in CA she was able to hang out with Bésoleil‏ for a couple of days.  They did super together during that time so, we knew they would be an easy intro with each other up here.  They waste no time in a game of tug!
D"light is an anxious dog and whenever a new foster arrives he worries for a couple of days.  So during this time he gets extra TTouch, extra TLC and he gets wrapped multiple times a day.  All of these tools keep him pretty stable during the transition times.
D'light watching the girls play - he sports his wrap and he soothes himself by holding his "baby"
The girls wrestling before bath time. They both did great in the bath!

Wrestling post bath
Tired out, relaxing with hedgie
Bésoleil‏ wasn't ready to relax - she loves to play with dogs and humans!

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