Thursday, June 20, 2013

K and the feeders

I love introducing foster dogs to interactive feeders and here's K's first try with the Tornado. I'm still hand feeding K and working on "touch" for her kibble but, it's nice to switch up her meal experiences.  And as you will see we are still working when eating!
 Below there are a couple of things to see in the video:  You can see her hesitation/concern with the feeder but,  she's willing to see what the tornado is about.  Because she trusts me, we work together at the puzzle.  I love to watch as she figures out that it turns and more food appears.
This is still the same feeding session as above. Watch her tail and she quickly decides the food is in here and she's getting it. You can see her start to get frustrated and that's when she needs help.  Again this is a good tool for us to use building trust, having fun and for eating!

We've also tried out the green feeder
 She did well with this one.  Funny how quickly she works around the perimeter of the feeder.  It certainly slows her down in eating her meal.  As you can see there are different lengths of rounded plastic for a dog to eat around.
Same feeding session - again a nice tool for working with K.  I can help her by slowly using my hands to get the food out from where she can't reach it, move it close to her and/or hand feed her.

The great thing about using both feeder with K is that we can work on building trust by me being close.  While also having a good amount of interaction AND not forcing anything on her. 

These feeders were used after we have been doing over 2 weeks of hand feeding, working on touching my palm for kibble and the find it game of tossing her kibble for her to find and eat.  Way to go K - you are doing wonderful!


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