Wednesday, March 27, 2013


We have lots and lots of stairs at our house.  I would say the majority of our foster dogs have no clue about the stairs so, pretty quickly we start working on going up and down the stairs.  We have a large deck that has a little over 2 flights of outside decking stairs then inside we have a flight of carpeted stairs.
It usually takes our foster dogs about a week or so to feel comfortable on all the stairs - not so for Inigo.  He figured them out in 2 days.  He was pretty worried the first day but, with some luring of treats (no force or dragging a dog up & down the stairs is every acceptable) he was a rock star!  As always, we move slowly and finish on a good note.  We "worked" the stairs on about 8-10 occasions on Sunday and since Inigo is so human and food focused it was a lot of fun for all of us!
"What are these things?"
"I'm not so sure about this..."
"hey there's a treat.."
"and look I went down the stair"

Oh and while we were on a walk, here's Inigo showing off his new skills!

And as you can see he's a mover!  Below is coming in from the walk.



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