Saturday, March 2, 2013


I'm finalizing all of Gramcery's medical appointments and trying to manage my own anxiety about his upcoming surgery!  Gramercy is our 23th foster dog and our first dog that will undergo major surgery.  We've had two other foster dogs that had medical issues while in our care: 

Lacey was treated for a nasty case of heart worms

Maggie was treated for lung worms
 Both of those girls are doing fantastic and I expect Gramercy will be a much happier boy once his back left leg is better.
In talking to the vet yesterday, I realized that Gramercy is going to need to be "coned" for a good while - they said 2 to 3 weeks.  Ok he is not going to like this at all.    I have the comfy cone and the EZ soft cones and I've ordered the Kong cloud.  I'm going to start having Gramercy "try them" through the week.  We will make it fun well, as fun as you can make getting him use to a cone.
The comfy cone

KONG EZ Soft E-Collar

KONG Cloud E-Collar

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