Thursday, March 20, 2014

Working on sit - Part 2

Here we are the next day and everyone wants to join the training party!
Smart boy Royal just impresses the heck out of me. He's figured out my hand signal very quickly.  However you can see he wasn't ready for me to use my right hand for the signal - so back to the left hand and there's the sit.
And I get kudos for have the treat bag on my hip, not in my lap and for rewarding the dogs quicker than before.  Again - love video as I can see what I need to be doing differently!

And later in the day - we stick to just the left hand signal.  Good boy Royal!
Royal is doing rat-tastic!  Our next steps will be adding in the word "sit".  I have not doubt that Royal will have the whole sequence down in no time at all.

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