Monday, March 24, 2014

Life enrichment

Royal is doing well in foster care however we are continuing to work through his nervousness in the house.  If a dog has never lived in a house, moving into a house is a big adjustment.  One thing that I've noticed with Royal is that he's calmer outside - likely because that's where he spent most of his life.  We gone on walks but, seems this isn't really cutting it for Royal given he's restricted by the leash.  Our back yard is tiny and not fully fenced so that's not a good option to roam around relax.
I was reminded last week of Sarah Owings - Life enrichment video's.  Sarah Owings is an amazing trainer out of California - I was lucky enough to attend two of her workshops at Clicker Expo back in January and she's amazing!
We have a dog park about a mile from our house.  I don't think it's an appealing dog park (in fact I've never been there before this post) and I don't like that they don't have a small dog section.  However after watching Sarah's video I thought this park could be a good enrichment spot for Royal.  There's a good amount going on for a dog - trees, bushes, water, structures in the park and more.  The small dog parks we usually go to are just a big open space - not much to explore.
So for the last two mornings we've loaded up and hit this part at 6:30am.  With the goal of avoiding seeing any dogs. This outing isn't about running out energy at the dog park.  It's about letting Royal roam off leash and explore.  We've had good luck with avoiding other dogs and I think both D and Royal have had a good time.
Checking out the park

Lots to smell

Royal having a good time

D'light letting everyone know he's been here!
Walking the path
Royal says "Here I come!"
The boys are sure there's something animal that need to be flushed out!

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