Thursday, May 16, 2013

More of Gramercy & Syncline

Here's Gramercy & Syncline the night before her spay surgery...

Gramercy asks "Are you asleep?"

Syncline says  "no way man!"
All the noises are coming from Gramercy.  He's very vocal when playing!


  1. Thank you for the photos of Gram and Syncline.( For some reason I can't look at the videos here in CA) We are so excited to get back and get to take our new boy home. We are getting to play with plenty of practice terriers here at camp. If I could figure out how to take a photo and attach it I would!

    Thank you for all that that you do. :) Susan

    PS: one of our friends up here lost her dog of 15 years and got a new one last month. Her new Dog's name is Grace and then our friend pointed out that Gramercy contains 'Mercy'....I thought that was worth passing on to you....Grace and Mercy :) Of course we will still call him Gram, Gramercy, the G man and what ever comes out when we really get to know him. See you soon for the hand off. :)

    1. I'm happy you two have been able to at least see his funny pictures! We are very excited for all of your. I agree with you that there's a reason you found Gramercy and PS story is just one more example that you were meant to adopt him.
