Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Because I know you want to see more Gramercy!

I find this video fascinating so I wanted to share it.  This video was take after Gramercy had been with us for a couple of weeks so, back in January 2013.

Gramercy wants D to play.  You can see Gramercy trying to figure out if D feels the same way.  D is often very conflicted when it comes to engaging with the foster dogs.  So, we watch and try to sort out if we need to step in.  As you can see both boys do a pretty good job of communicating with each other.  You will notice that both boys have plenty of room to move away if they are feeling too much pressure in this exchange. 

Whenever you intro a new dog into your home, the human needs to very aware of watching both dogs Observing how they are doing and if they need a break from each other.  While some dogs fold pretty easy into a home with another dog, other dogs may take more time.  So paying attention and giving breaks is very important for everyone.


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