Monday, January 21, 2013

What's a boy to do?

In the first week, Gramercy spent a lot of time sleeping due to just settling into foster care and his body was working on mending itself. After about a week Gramercy perked up and he's now a very busy boy who wants to play and do stuff. Usually our way of draining energy is to go for long walks and playing with the tail teaser. Well Gramercy can't do either so while we are sorting out the vetting, the question comes up of what are we going to do to keep Gramercy busy?

Belive it or not there's LOTS of fun stuff to do that doesn't require a walk! So get ready to watch Gramercy learn all kinds of new tricks and skills. While Gramercy's body may be on "rest" his brain won't be. Langley another NW foster pup had a consult with a behavioral veterinarian and one thing that was talked about was brain exercise vs. body exercise. While exercising a dog's body is important, it is only one part of keeping a dog busy. Helping them work out their brain can be nearly as energy draining as a brisk walk.
Ready for what's next!

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