Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Gramercy's FAVORITE toy in the world

Gramercy aka Grammy is a pretty low energy fella thus far.  After about a 5 minute walk and/or a a 10 minute play session he's pretty much ready to just kick back for the rest of the day.  Some of this is his personality and another portion of it is that his body has had a rough 2 years of life.  Now that he's eating high quality food, getting some supplements and has a warm safe foster spot -- his body is working on mending itself.
As you saw yesterday, Gramcery was infatuated with the cat section at the pet store.   Holy smokes, this boy is in love...  As you can see D'light thinks it's pretty fun too.
I have no idea why they love this toy so much but, clearly this teaser needs time outs from the boys!  However, Gramercy doesn't agree with a time out for the teaser.
Gramercy has some old foot/leg issues that we need to sort out so, the cat teaser is going away until after our vet visit on Thursday.  I had no idea that he would go so crazy over this toy!  He's a funny, funny boy who is also beyond cute!
I have you now!

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