Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Gramercy's fun adventure

While we were visiting with Rain's family, Gramercy went bonkers over one of Rain's new toys.  Since Gramercy was such a good boy I told him we'd go see if we could find one for him!  When we arrived we quickly found what we were looking for and then it was time to cruse the store.

Gramercy says "the toy is over here"  -- stay tuned to see his new toy!

Gramercy did great at the store - there weren't any dogs or cats but he was happy to greet any human that said hi to him!

He wasn't so sure about this "dog" - notice Gramcery's unsure body language.

And we walked by the cat isle and guess who was mesmerized....

Dazed and confused by these items...

I picked up the cat toy deciding if I wanted to buy it - what do you think Gramcery thought we should do?!

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