Monday, August 27, 2012

Who likes bath day?

No one at our house!! Kerloo and Dandy spent Saturday as country boys out in Sequim which included lots of rolling around in horse poop and who knows what else! Back to life in the city and these boys needed a bath. Lucky Catty, well she get got a bath just because I didn't want her to feel left out.

Tomorrow I'll be sharing about our awesome visit to see Darby and her amazing family and home so stay tuned!

Kerloo is a good sport!

With Dandy it's moving slow and lots of talking to him that all will be fine

"These dang foster dog's making my life hard"

Catty trying to wipe away the bath, Kerloo says "What are you doing?"  Dandy just pretending none of it ever happened.
Post bath time
More post bath play and then Kerloo... bad foster mom for not taking him out BEFORE the bath!!!


  1. We couldn't stop laughing at these videos! What a great combination of 3 different dogs: Catty did her crawling dance, Kerloo's so crazy, and Dandy wasn't sure what to do... Your house must be very lively these days :D

  2. It's a lot of fun having such different personalities - I'm glad you enjoyed the video's they make me laugh too!

  3. Boy is Kerloo living dangerously if he thinks he can just stick his head in Catty's under the bed realm.

    1. Yes he is!! He did chase her under there one time and one time only. The queen doesn't allow little boys in her under the bed kingdom.
