Thursday, August 9, 2012

Dandy all wraped up in pink...

Look at this brave boy!  He's gone from a baby wrap to full wrap and as you can see he wasn't so sure what to make of the wrap.  But again because he trust's Lori his TTouch practitioner, he gave it a go and we saw some pretty quick results in a matter of minutes.

You might be might ask "why are you wrapping this dog?!"  One of the key principles of TTouch is working towards the interconnetivity of physical, mental and emotional balance.  Considering behavioral issues in a holistic way allows us to develop and use tools that get to the root of an issue, and actually resolve the cause rather than just addressing the symptoms.

The "body wraps" complement the bodywork and groundwork  exercises in a way that integrates the external information into an animal's body at the cellular level.  The gentle, non-invasive, non-restrictive nature passively increases the dog's body-awareness while in motion or standing still.

The wraps are not meant to give support  but rather to give feedback about where the body is in space and what it's doing.  The wrap should be just snug enough to stay on without feeling stretched.  They are not left on for long periods of time and it's of most importance to pay attention to the dog's response in the wrap.

Dandy is in a "half body wrap" and it's the most commonly used wrap.  This wrap brings awareness to the front and middle parts of the dog.  Some observations about this wraps is that while it may only cover the front end of the dog visually, it seemed to affect his back end as well. This wrap works well with shy or nervous dogs so, it's a good starting point with wrapping a dog.

The first wrap was left on for under 15 seconds and then taken off. This is wrap 2 which stayed on for about a minute and you can see him backed into Lori wanting his back legs worked.

The wrap was removed and Lori offered to have him come off the table to do some ground work and he didn't want to do that.  So another "wrapping was offered" and work was done!

more wrapping and work on his tail and lower back end

He went into this bizarre sit position which I think is adorable but, structurally odd.  He was so relaxed and wanted his neck touched.

Dandy actually was able to lie down on the table, something brand new for him! Dandy has issues around bed's which this table brings out for him - more on that later.

He was able to face Lori and have his legs and head worked.


  1. Oh what a dear sweet young man Dandy is.
    And you are quite an amazing woman.
    Thanks so much for the work you do.
    Pinkie's mom.

  2. What a brave boy, Dandy. You guys have made so much progress. Pink wraps looked cute too :)

  3. Yes he's doing really, really well and making a lot of progress! He's a very special boy who wants to be brave so, it's just helping him to find to tools to help him!
