Monday, August 6, 2012

Surviving the Blue Angels...

Sunday was a much better day with the noise of the planes since way too smart Catty has figured out that when noisy planes fly by she gets ziwi peak!  While Dandy doesn't like the noise, what upsets him is when Catty is upset.  We still dosed the dog with Benadryl and I hung out with them in the bedroom playing the game of "find it".  Dandy really just wanted to cuddle (in only bizarre Dandy fashion) and Catty being the food hog that she is was all about playing games for high value treats!  Despite the annoyance of the plane's it actually was a good experience for both dogs to see that one can move beyond scary things. The one downside was that Dandy's blue whale suffered some wounds due to Dandy stress nibbling on the baby.  Thanks blue whale baby for taking one for the team!

While the dogs and I hung out in the bedroom my husband was out watching the Blue Angels fly as you can see below.

I'm glad the planes are gone & I love my blue whale baby

feeling much better - look at my soft eyes

Catty making sure the planes have left!

View of the show from our deck

Here's fat albert, it carries all gear & equipment from the different show locations.  You can see some of the many boats on Lake Washington

One plane coming right at our house - that's downtown Bellevue in the background

Here they come, get ready for the noise

right over our house

all 6 planes in a dive bomb towards the water

1 comment:

  1. These are great pictures! Your house is so close to Blue Angel actions, and no wonder these dogs freaked out. Catty looks so funny in this pic!
