Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Kerloo in action!

Kerloo rolled in Monday night without missing a beat!  He's a boy who's on the move and curious about everyone and everything.

Here's Kerloo's first meeting with Catty and Dandy

Dinner time along with some fun dancing

Horrible picture quality but, he's settling in no problem

Again bad lighting but, you can see he enjoys a good toy!


  1. This pup is nuts! He has so much energy, and clearly loves his new home :D
    What an adorable dog.

    It's funny that Dandy was always curious about this new little guy while Catty didn't seem to care much.

  2. Yes he is 100% puppy and ready for anything! I posted video since I couldn't get him to sit still for some pictures.

    Both Dandy and Catty are not so sure of the puppy side of Kerloo! With that said Kerloo is pretty awesome for a pup, great personality and beyond cute.
