Saturday, September 13, 2014

Finding a reinforcer for D'light

D'light is not a food motivated boy.  So, finding things to use as reinforcers when we are working can be a challenge.  One might ask why we need D'light to work or why we even need a reinforcer. 

D'light spent the first 4 years of his life in constant emotional distress and how he coped with that was to try to not do anything that would bring any attention to him.  This really stunted his emotional growth, caused disengagement from the environment and created a lot of conflict for D'light in terms of just being in the world.  

That shutdown dog that came to us back in 2012 is a very different dog now due to the work we've done with D'light. The bulk of our work has been around helping him to have safe experiences, safe people he trusts to work with him, safe environments and encouraging events that are specifically fun/enjoyable for him.  By doing this we've seen a more curious and engaged boy - exactly what we were hoping for.  So, as he has become more engaged with the world we want to reinforce him for taking these risks.   
Here's a recent post on Reinforcers if you missed it.

   Again food doesn't really cut it so it was time to experiment with other items.  After watching D'light chase the lure we decided to focus on something that "moves" hoping to activate his prey drive. When his prey drive is activated he takes more risks in the environment and the worry and anxiety pretty much disappears.  Helping to create an emotional state of happiness while generating interest, engagement and curiosity is what we are after when looking for reinforcers for D'light.   

I tried a plastic bag (what is attached to the lure) and that didn't generate any interest.  Our Nose Work instructor suggested to keep thinking along these lines and what came to mind was cat toys!  So, I went out and bought a variety of toys to see if any of them would excite D'light.  I will say I wasn't holding out hope about the wand toys since D'light is nervous about the tail teaser toy.  Apparently in D'light mind there's a big difference between a cat wand and the tail teaser.

  I choose a variety of cat toys: Some that were real animal fur and other that were faux.  Some on the wand and others that I tied string around...

The selection of cat toys

And then it was time to try them out.  

Very quickly it was clear that we had a winner!

Big smile, soft eyes, relaxed ears and ready for more time with the cat toy

And then it was time for a break and I had stuff to do!  I was sitting at the table and look what happened next...

"I need that toy"

"I have to have it"

"I have to figure out how to get it"

Up and down trying to figure out how to get it. I've never seen D'light try to do this for anything!

Lucky for me my camera was close by and I love this video

One more attempt to get at the toy from another angle...

D'light you are a silly, silly boy!

I've never had to put away anything for D'light but, that has changed.  The cat toy had to be put out of sight for now.  Stay tuned to watch how we use the cat toy as a reinforcer for sweet D'light!

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