Friday, April 18, 2014

Royal working on hand targeting

You saw Torii working on hand targeting and Royal wants you to know he's a hand targeting king!

As Donna says: This skill is the basic building block of many behaviors such as the retrieve, sending your dog away from you to do distance work, mat training, leading your dog over, under around, heeling, targeting objects etc.
Royal is a dog that loves to engage and work, work, work. Royal is super smart and he's a ton of fun to train with.
During this session I am using the word "yes" as my marker.  Royal is noise sensitive & the noise of a clicker is stressful for him.  We are working on desensitization around the clicker but, that is for another post!
This was Royal's first session in learning hand targeting.  Watching the first video, you can see that my criteria was set to high.  Meaning my hand was too far away for Royal to touch. Remember we always want to try to set the dog up for success and again, the mis-steps are usually on the human!  Lucky for me Royal is super smart and forgiving - so by moving my hand in closer he quickly figured out what I was asking of him.
And here's Royal's second session of hand targeting. This was about 4 hours after the above video.
I love Royal's diligence and I sure do love that beautiful sit that he choses to offer.  Such a great training partner!
Here's another awesome must watch video by Kikopu ·A tutorial on "Touch"  with great ideas of other ways to use Touch!  

Royal relaxing after a great training session!


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