Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Tremolo and the belly band

Tremolo is doing well with house training and we are still having him wear a belly just in case a mistake happens.  At you can see and hear, Tremolo has some thoughts on the belly band...
This funny puppy boy is a talker. Here he's letting me know what he thinks of the belly band! 
He's quickly figured out he can still snuggle even wearing the belly band!
What a sweet boy
Tremolo can play with his ball in the band
And he can even run while wearing the band!

We found out last night that Tremolo enjoys playing fetch!  This is a great game for him and we are including working on some impulse control.  We do this by having him calmly wait before the ball is thrown.

And Tremolo remains a happy boy even with the band on!



  1. We are absolutely in love with little guy and we can't wait to get our chance to snuggle and play with him!
