Monday, August 12, 2013

Bath time for the puppies

First thing first with the puppies and that was bath time!  Bailey was super in the bath, she could care less as you can see. 
Bailey waiting in the sink for bath time
 I figured I'd turn on the faucet so Bailey could get use the noise.  Dummy me forgot that she's deaf and she wouldn't be able to hear the water coming out of the faucet.  Her being deaf is much harder on me than her!
As you can see she was a champ!  Good girl Bailey.
Little Miss Efeste did not like the bath at all. 

"Why am I in here?!"

You can see that Efeste is not comfortable just sitting in the sink.

And I turn the water on and she gets more worked up.  The most important thing for Efeste (and all the puppies) is socialization.  This means exposure to a huge amount of things and helping the pups come to realize that there's nothing to be afraid of.  The sink, faucet and bath clearly were scary and we are going to be working on reducing the worry.

Bailey did great with getting dried off - she doesn't mind being handled by men or women.

Efeste was pretty angry & upset with the bath and she's worried about being handled.  Little Efeste is going to require some work around handling, new experiences and socialization.

All seemed to be forgiven once they were dry and had play time. This video is a small slice of how busy puppies are and will be for the first couple years of their life.

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