Saturday, February 16, 2013

Opossum & Awesome Opossum

The opossum toy is VERY popular in our house - so much so that we had to purchase a 2nd one.  The first one was picked out at the pet store by past foster boy Balboa but, D fell in love with opossum and it soon became know as awesome opossum.  
As you will see Gramercy likes new opossum so both boys are happy ratties!
Say hi to opossum!

Gramercy loves squeaking opossum

D loves to carry awesome opossum around and then started teasing Gramercy, trying to get him to take it away. D is way faster than Gramercy but, once in a while Gramercy would grab and run with awesome opossum. 

Pretty soon awesome opossum lost his tail in a game of tug and we decided it was time for a new opossum.  

"I love opossum!"



  1. 2 days ago, Boo and I met the real opossum in our backyard at 6.30 in the morning. That thing is Huge! (shorter than Boo but so chubby and long). They almost fight, but fortunately Boo finally thought that it's a good idea to walk away and get back into the house :)

  2. Oh no!! I would freak out - although I'd take a opossum to a raccoon any day. Catty and I were once chased by a raccoon - scared the heck out of me.
