Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Teo rocking the snuggie & Figgins was glad the day was over.

"Why yes I look good in this snuggie"
"I love lounging around in it"

"easy to sleep in"

"It keeps me nice and warm"

"Did I hear we are going for a walk?!"
"Awesome that I was able to keep my snuggie on"
"Dandy & Catty were worried about the man cutting down a tree but, not me!"
"I'm so stylish -- in and out of the house"
"I love walking and people were smiling when they saw me coming"
"I have great leash skills"
"I was so tired when we got home"

"My snuggie keeping me warm"

"Time for a very long and warm nap"
Are you asking where the heck is Figgins?!?!?  Well Mr. Figgins had a neuter appointment so he was in dreamland while Teo, Dandy, Catty and I were out walking.

Sweet Figgins after his vet appointment - he also had 2 impacted teeth removed. This very loving sweet boy has been through a lot and he's still one happy go lucky, loving boy.

You can see one of Figgins bite wounds on his neck from whatever attacked him.  His wounds have healed but, he will probably always have scars from the attack.


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