Thursday, November 14, 2013

Places to go, people to see - Part 2

Tulpen's appointment was with the vet to look at his right eye.  For anyone that follows my blog, you know from Gramercy that New Rattitude does an amazing job of medically caring for our foster dogs.  I'm happy to report that the vet visit went well! I'm always grateful that should medical treatment be necessary, New Rattitude will do everything we can to help our beloved rattie's.

The eye in question

Tulpen waiting for the vet tech to come in and say hi. Did I tell you he loves people?

Tulpen did great with the vet tech.  He had is temperature taken, a feel up of his body and then he got a treat for being such a good boy.
After the vet tech left Tulpen thought he should get another treat!  The treats are in that 2nd drawer...

Here we are waiting for the vet and I was amazed at how relaxed he was!

Waiting for the vet

He decided laying down is a more comfortable

and then he falls asleep!

Turns out Tulpen has a prolapse of the third eye gland.  It's commonly called "cherry eye".  The vet met with us for about 30 minutes and in her opinion treatment currently is not necessary.  During about 20 minutes of the consultation, Tulpen sat on the vets lap - she sure did enjoy him!  Tulpen's eye is not inflamed or irritated and it doesn't seem to be bothering him.  The gland just isn't anatomically where it's supose to be and it's likely he's had this all his life.  If surgery were to be done, at this point it would be only for aesthetic reasons. 
Tulpen also had a much needed nail trim and he did fantastic. All the vet staff thought he was pretty amazing, which I 100% agree with!
I'm so happy I've found Urban Animal! They are close to my home, open 7 days a week, supportive of rescue and they two vets are simply amazing.  I've now switched over Catty and D'light to this vet because I think they are so amazing.  
 And another thing that makes them amazing is that the vet said she would be more than happy to talk to Tulpen's applicant about her thoughts, recommendations and/or to answer any question. 

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