Tuesday, November 13, 2012

visiting with Boo (aka Boushey)

One of Boo's moms is taking a class about "Leadership in the digital age in non-profit & for profit organizations".  She's working on her final project and she asked if I would be ok with being interviewed as a represenative of New Rattitude. I said absolutely since I would get to see Boo and talk about New Rattitude!  It was fantastic seeing Boo and his moms and the interview went great as well. We have such amazing adopters, so many of them have lots of passion around wanting to spread the NR word. 
Boo continues to be a totally awesome boy who has great dogs skills and now knows tons of tricks that his mom's have taught him.  This is one lucky, lucky Boo boy!

This was when Boo was in foster care with us - he was a delight to foster and we are so happy that he now has an amazing life full of love and adventure!

Boo has his own blog that is a load of fun! To see more about this great fella (and our visit) check  it out  http://boushey.wordpress.com/
Boo was so good with Cayuse and Buty and major props to him for allowing us to roll on into his home!  This was really great for both Cayuse and Buty to meet new people and a new dog.  Cayuse being a puppy pushed the limits with Boo and Boo appropriately let Cayuse know what was and wasn't ok.  I'm guessing that Boo appreciated our visit.  However, I'm guessing he was happy to have us leave so that he could get back to his bed in front of the fireplace and nap in peace!


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