Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Amazing Coconut oil

Everyone (humans and dogs) in our house eats coconut oil!  It has a ton of
Health benefits and it tastes good too.
When Soos came to us his coat was dull and flaky.  I slowly started incorporating coconut oil in Soos' diet and sure enough, his coat is no longer flaky and it was soft and looked beautiful.
Here's the brand we eat and you can buy it on Amazon or at PCC in Seattle
When Gramercy was with us he had a funk to him that we couldn't get rid of.  I was talking with Lori Stevens about his funk and she suggested incorporating coconut oil in his diet.  We began feeding him coconut oil and the funk went away!   Here's the post on Coconut oil helps out Gramercy 
Below is Dr. Karen Becker talking about why coconut oil is so good for pets
If you are going to incorporate coconut oil into your pets diet you will want to start out slow.  The optimum dose for dogs is about 1 teaspoon per 10lbs of body weight daily.  This is a general guideline some dogs need less and others a little more.  Beginners can start with around 1/3 of a teaspoon a day.  Because coconut oil kills harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, yeast and fungi, the burden of removing dead organisms can trigger symptoms of detoxification.  You can increase the dosage every few days until reaching the recommended quantity.  If your dog starts having diarrhea, you're increasing the amount to fast so, back of and go slower. 

Did you also know there are many other ways to use coconut oil?  You can apply it to fur, pads, noses, ears, cuts and scrapes!  We've been battling an ear issue with D'light - he shakes his head, clearly his ear bothering him, scratches at his ear and they gets red inside. We'd been cleaning out his ears on a frequent basis but it just wasn't going away.  Again... talking to Lori Stevens about this and she suggested we try putting a pea size amount of coconut oil in his ear and then massaging the base of his ear which worked the oil down his canal.  We've been doing this for a couple of weeks and I'm pleased to say it's helped a ton.  He doesn't scratch at his ear, he's not shaking his head and the redness is all gone.  And an added bonus is that he smells like coconut.  The biggest challenge is keeping Catty away from D'light's ears and she wants to lick out the coconut oil - silly rattie girl.

Here's another great video by Dr. Karen Becker what else you can do with coconut oil!


  1. Olive still has occasional ear problems (though getting her on a different diet has helped a ton! Plus drastically reducing bully sticks which makes her sad) - would adding coconut oil to her diet help her ears? She is truly nasty with ear drops and every effort is a battle which requires a muzzle sadly which we HATE, so if adding it to her diet might help even a little bit that would be cool!

  2. Hi Jessica, Yes I would add it to her diet and put it directly in her ears. Just like we do with Dlight. Make sure to watch the video in this post and SLOWLY build up on feeding her the coconut oil. With her ears I would put a pea size amount in her ears (we do both ears) and then gently massage the base of her ear. That will warm up the oil and help it to naturally go down in the her ear. We put the oil in Dlight's ears once a day and we've noticed a big difference. Glad to hear the change in diet has helped - I bet she was sad about the bully sticks :(

    1. Oh and since you are close to a PCC I would by the brand that I'm using Artisana organic raw coconut oil - it's about $14 for 16oz but it will last you a good amount of time. Keep it stored at room temp.
