Saturday, September 8, 2012

Walking in Balance with your dog

 Dandy and I are heading to Vashon Island today for a 2nd TTouch workshop & man oh man, I'm excited!  We do a lot of walking of which Dandy loves, so I can't wait to take in all this wonderful information.  Dandy will no doubt have a super day & he will be excited to see Lori his TTouch practitioner!

Fo those interested here's what we'll be covering:

Seminar Description: TTouch® is a gentle, positive method of bodywork and movement based on more than three decades of results with dogs, horses, and many other animals, including zoo animals. TTouch® is also effectively used with people. TTouch® provides a powerful set of tools and techniques that improve an animal’s behavior, performance, and health. It also enhances the relationship between animals and their human companions.
In this 1-day workshop you will be introduced to positive tools and techniques to help you walk more effectively and in balance with your dog or your clients' dogs. If you are a dog professional, you will have more tools to help your clients with. We will cover:
  • TTouch body work to help your dog on walks
  • TTouch wrapping techniques that can help with walking
  • Body and leash cues that influence how our dogs walk with us
  • Body positioning, both ours and our dog
  • Tension patterns and other problems from leash pulling
  • How to achieve your own balance and your dog's while walking and what to look for
  • Leash techniques and configurations, e.g. communicating more effectively with your dog through a leash
  • Using the power of TTouch walking techniques, e.g. Two Points of Contact
  • Equipment: Harness fit and leashes and how to use equipment effectively and without force
  • How to influence change in your walking relationship
  • Balanced movement exercises through a TTouch course
  • Other tools and techniques for walking with your dog

Here's a great article that talks about TTouch:

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