Monday, September 24, 2012

4 dogs equal a photo shoot...

It was fall last year when I took my current banner picture.  Since we now have 4 dogs I thought I'd try for another photo. Getting a good picture was way more difficult than I expected!  Here's the progression of photos -- there are probably about 25 more that I didn't include.
Dunham reminding Catty that he's her BFF.  But, not a good pic of Ursa!

Come on!!! I kept saying look at me and my treat bag... clearly Dandy and Ursa missed that message
No clue what is going on here...

Eye's closed - we've all been in Dunham's position, never a good look

Getting better but what is going on with Catty's neck and again Dunham's eyes.
Argh!! Ursa, eyes open!

Dandy wants to whisper lovey's to Ursa and Dunham is bored...
Talk about bored... Dandy just left

Not bad but could they be any closer?!  Also Ursa's tail that never stops moving worries Dandy.
THE WINNER -- minus the fuzz on the rug that use to be Mr. Chicken...


  1. Super cute pictures! How did you get them all in one place?

  2. Lots of treats and waving the treat bag!
