Thursday, October 20, 2016

Catty is enjoying the fall season

Sweet Catty has also been enjoying the fall season.  As she is getting older she like to take more leisure walks.  While D'light is all about crittering on a long line, Catty enjoys city walks where she can read all the pee mail and leave her own messages.  Silly dogs and both have very different ideas of what they enjoy doing outside.  So, while there are times we will walk both dogs together isn't all the time.  It's more often that they get their individualized outside time.   
Here's a collection of fun pictures over a week of walking with Miss Catty.  With her more laid back walks that gives lots of opportunity to enjoy the fall season and take more pictures of what's going on in the environment.
I love this plant and look forward to this time of year when the purple berries arrive
There are still some flowers in bloom
The leaves are turning all kinds of vibrant colors

Lots of Catty photo opportunities with so much color on the ground.
Catty loves the camera as it's a cue for what's to come.  Meaning the camera comes out, I ask for "look" and then a click of the camera followed by a food reinforcer to Catty.
Here's a past post where I talk in more detail of How do you get those pictures

We find some fantastic blue berries.  I have no idea what this plant is.  But I love the colors and the red leaves from another plant in the backdrop.

You never know what you will find in a Seattle sidewalk
Lots of leaves on the ground an they make a fun backdrop for Catty.
It's be raining so we are finding lots of mushrooms popping up. 

 "Hey mom, more leaves over her so bring out that camera"

Figs that are not going to ripen this year

There are a lot of willow trees shedding their leaves and they are fantastic in shape and color.
Another mushroom thanks to the rain.

"Look at me!"

Fall plants that folks are potting in their pots.

Love the detail of the plant

In taking shots of Catty on the leaves I've found that a mixture of leave colors tend to be my favorite background.

Fall is here and plants are getting ready for winter to soon arrive.

Berries on a burning bush
More willow leaves

Pretty begonia and fall pumpkin

Pretty Catty girl!

We found some of the last dahlias in bloom

And this is amazing in color, shapes and smell!

I think it's daphne and oh boy are the white flowers fragrant.

We find a wonderful backdrop of color.
The red are burning bush leaves and they do seem to burn red.
A wall of leaves with great color

Fun walks we are having!

Soon the leaves will be gone but, we have some great photos from the fall of 2016.


  1. Enjoy your fall walks, Miss Cattie...and thanks for the gorgeous photos with the vibrant colors! We love seeing slices of Seattle nature.

    1. Seattle is just bursting with color right now. It's so beautiful and glad you are enjoying the photos!
