Saturday, August 8, 2015

Trout hatchery - Part 2

We took a detour and headed across the train tracks.  Both dogs didn't miss a beat.

We wanted to see what this sign had to say.  Way back in 1828... who knew?!

Time to head over to the trails and it was a race to see who could scale the wall first! 
King says "I won!"

Finally to the trail and D'ight says "Keep up King"

King says "Scoot over!"

Both boy had a great time

On the move!

Over a bridge that had chicken wire as a pathway.
Again both boys did great.


Lots to take in and King had a blast on this trail

Time to get moving.  Jumping over logs isn't an issue.

King says "Crap, I'm tangled in this dried plant"

After detangling King we headed up the hill to the trailhead.

Lots of rocks and all are good lookout spots

D'light knows to look up as there are often critters up in the trees

Scoping out the environment

Terrier boys!

D'light with a goofy face and King is ready to go

Such a fantastic time for everyone!

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