Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Oh come on...

How can a puppy be so cute!  I was making dinner, turned around and here's what was staring at me.   Lucky for me I always have my camera in my pocket.

Inigo is a "watcher" meaning he's constantly paying attention to what we are doing and he's trying to sort out what he needs to be doing.  This sweet boy is very people focused and very, very affectionate with whoever he meets.
Inigo sitting pretty
It's hard to get anything done with such an adorable puppy in the house. 


Inigo is a true goofy puppy as you can see...
"I dance"
"I love to roll around"

"Look at my spoted belly"

"Wow, I rolled off the bed"

"But I'm ok and ready for more puppy play"

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